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Kush Academy  »  Teachers

At Kush Montessori all our teachers are specialists in their subject areas – Maths, English and ICT.  They are fully vetted, DBS checked and trained in safeguarding procedures in line with the government’s standards on child protection.

Every child is different, and at Kush Montessori the teachers embed differentiated teaching and learning activities into the very heart of their practice. This involves an assessment of the pace, aptitude and ability of each child in order to ensure that they are adequately challenged and the entire range of their educational needs are met.

All our teachers are brought up to speed with the tenets and excellence of the Montessori brand; this is evident through the learning outcomes of each child across the age range provided for by Kush.  It is the aim of all staff, teaching and non-teaching to ensure that all children that pass through our doors are equipped with the tools they need to stand out and excel above others in mainstream education – and while we guarantee you value for money – you cannot put a price on your child’s educational well-being and progress.